Karma, after been embarrased by his teacher in front of his friends, in very furious and starts thinking in a strategy that will definitely kill Koro-Sensei. He goes to a cliff and takes his teacher with him. He asks if Koro-Sensei will do everything to be sure all of his students are safe, that if he will be personally responsible for each of his students. Koro-Sensei explains that that i the basic responsability of a teacher, and Karma, with a gun in his hand, jumps directly into the cliff. Karma just made something that will make Koro-Sensei make a very hard decision, because if he flies in supersonic speed to save Karma, his body wouldn't handle it, but if he went and save him slowly, Karma will have time to shoot him. Koro-Sensei knowing this, decides to go fast and make himself sticky and safe Karma without doing any harm to eather one of them. Later, back in class, he is given some drinks by Okuda, and she tells him it's poison, but still, Koro-Sensei drinks all of them. None make anything negative to Koro-Sensei, but still he tries to help okuda to create a poison that can kill him.
"Abandoning you is not an option. Jump off cliffs any time you wish- I'll catch you" (158)
This is what Koro-Sensei tells Karma after he decides to jump off the cliff. Like I have said before, Koro-Sensei is really sure with the idea he will never harm his students and he will never let anyone hurt them, including themselves.
"Do you have time after school today? We can research a poison that can kill me- together!" (169)
This is an example that supports my idea of Koro-Sensei always supporting his students, like in the quote above. He is going to create a poison that will kill him, just to help one of his students, even other people in the class think it is weird, but still trust their teacher.
Well, this is the end of vol.1 of this awesome series of manga. Throughout the whole volume we can see Koro-Sensei and his students (specially Nagisa and Karma) evolve and make the story a lot moe interesting. Koro-Sensei is still is very powerful to everyone in the class, but still everyone is ready and prepared to kill him in any moment. A the end of the volume, we can see how they are going to introduce new characters to see if they can kill this strange creature.
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